I have been drinking!
.:I miss the feeling more than the object.:.
I've gone from being really excited about something, to losing interest. I miss the feeling more than the object. I want it back. I want the excitement, the interest, the nervousness.
I don't know if it will come back....
.:Fantastic weekend! Who cares if I'm too old for this shit.:.
Well after a shit week I ended up having a pretty fucking great weekend.
Friday afternoon was weird. I was in a despondant mood and was in the company of a friend which wasn't a good idea. But after that I got a call from James who was up for some drinks and partying, so I made him come over post haste and we went out for some Gold Plated Thai and talked of Gold Plated vaginas. I had a green vegetable curry which was absolutely fantastic. I couldn't stop eating even when I was full and almost puked with James' erratic driving to the bottle shop. After a bit of gurgling around the corners I felt better and we went back to his to settle into a bottle of wine. We then convinced his roommates and friend to come out with us, taking the train into Northbridge.
We headed over the Bar Open which had just reopened and now had two floors. The top floor was Drum & Bass, while the bottom floor was Breaks. The music was great and James and I busted a move upstairs for ages. We were surrounded by a very young crowd, but I'm pretty sure we were the few not on pills, so everyone was super friendly. Later, James and I were accosted by a young drug fucked version of Sick Boy from trainspotters.

He was totally off his nut and was talking shit. I told him I was from Kazakstan. Then I fixed his phone. He offered us meth. We said no. We left about 3:30 and took a taxi back to James for smokes and drinks and to talk shit. Fun as always and I as home by 5am for a sleep. It was about this time that the green curry made its second appearance and I had to hold onto the wall for support. Good times...
I "slept" for about 2 hours and felt like shit, but couldn't be bothered sitting around, so I went over to JBJ's to watch the football. I watched the last quarter of the grand final, which is the most football I've ever watched in my entire life. It was rather exciting and I actually got into it, and was glad the Eagles won. Not overly spastic happy as I'm not a real fan. More the kind of happy you get when you find $20 bucks in your pocket. Or you turn on the tv to a random channel on a hangover Sunday and find something old school is on, like Groundhog Day or Super Troopers. And then you're like "Yes! Thats excellent".
Then I went home, showered, and met up with Danica, David and French Alex for a triple party play. The first two were a bit boring, but the third was pretty massive. JBJ was there, with a lot of the comedy crew, and we all seemed to meet up just as we all got pretty trashed. We hit the dance floor and made asses of ourselves, which was fantastic, and then went out the front for a smoke.
Danica lost her favourite ring in the grass. In the dark we were on our knees for about 2 hours trying to find it. The night looked to be ruined. The mood deflated. Cut down in the prime of the party. Then... out of the darkened grass, JBJ appeared with the ring in his hand. Danica screamed, we all couldn't believe it. We jumped for joy. We again hit the dance floor and went nuts. It was very very funny.
At about 4am we took a taxi to Geisha. The boss gave us a massive bar card, but French Alex and Danica weren't up for more drinking, so JBJ and I had to make the use of it. We got messed up, and later passed out. I had the worst hang over in history.
It was a fucking fantastic weekend!
Listening to: Phenomena and HoneyBear - Yeah Yeah Yeahs