.:I'm changing my name - the launch of Sarah (I take it back):.
Due to the fact that I am working in a travel call centre, my name cannot be the same as someone else's, or too similar. Otherwise customers will get us mixed up all the time.
Someone already had my name, so I was given an hour or two to come up with a new one. I came up with 3 possibilities, but when I gave them in, they were already taken as well. So I panicked and said my step-sisters name; Sarah. Now I will be forever referred to as Sarah at work.
So... I've decided to change my blog to Sarah too. (No I'm not). I will be assuming a new identity as Sarah (not my step-sisters identity, a new one). (No I won't)
Here are some things you need to know about Sarah.
1. She's a bit sassy. 2. She doesn't give a shit about the stuff old AkileM used to whine about. 3. She's into living life to the fullest and learning new things. 4. Uhh... thats all I can come up with right now.
Soon I will be changing my blog address and getting a blog email for Sarah. If you'd like to be included (i.e. Jimmy, my one reader) please email me (address removed). You can do it now, or you can do it when the blog disappears, which will probably be in the next 2-7 days.
Thanks! Sera
.:More to write, nothing to say.:.
I started work this week. Its pretty cool. All I do is learn about taking holidays all day long, and going to fantastic places. Training is 3 weeks, then into the real work. I hope I'm good at it!
Update from the speed dating - I made matches with both the guys I ticked, but I haven't talked to either. I've kind of given up on dating at the moment. But of course whenever I say that (in the past) is when I meet someone new.
The ex leaves in two days. As I said to a friend of mine I'm feeling a bit sad, and a bit glad. Probably the first then the second. Although its only a couple of months which seems like an incredibly long time, and a very short time. I hope to have worked some things out by then.
I hate fucking relationships. They always end up so fucked. blergggggghhenhousen.
In other news...... I have no gossip! I'm just working now - so its not going to make for good writing, but nonetheless, I'm going to try more.
.:Weekend Coming.:.
Speed dating was rather funny/weird. The guys looked okay from far away, but once I got talking to them, it was a bit fucked. Then I got their names mixed up and fucked up my marking sheet. Oh well, I just marked off a lot of them with no just in case. I think I ticked two, but I don't really care about either. I forgot to call today to see if I got any matches, but I doubt it.
Tomorrow is the wedding rehearsal. That should be rather painful. Maybe not....
Then Friday night is James' birthday. Woohoo! We're going out and getting fucked up which shall be fun.
I saw Arj Barker with the ex tonight. Meh... it was weird. I hate hanging around his friends as the ex. He's probably been bitching and shit, and it makes me even more paranoid. Plus he's acting all fake. Eh, not long to go before he goes away, and then things will be back to normal I hope. Although, I do wish he was coming to the wedding with me. Gagh
I need a smoke ...
.:New Job:.
Well, I got a new job today. I guess i'm pretty pleased about that. Working in a travel call centre. I need the money and all that.
To tell you the truth, I'm missing my ex, and i fucking hate it. Its pretty obvious that he doesn't give a shit. Im tired of caring about someone who doesn't feel the same way.
I've being trying to date more to get over it. I had a date yesterday with this American guy from Sydney. It was rather fun. We had some adventures. Then I got a call from the Speed Dating people saying they need a girl for tomorrow night, and it will be free if I go along. So! I'll be doing that tomorrow night. I hope it's not all losers. Like me :)
BLah, I miss living alone.
What can I say? This is fucking gay.
.:Weeshy's Hen Night:.
 One of my best friends, Aliesha, had her Hen night last night. It was very funny and heaps of fun. We had a waiter in a G-string serving us, and later a fireman stripper. We then went out to a couple of clubs/bars/strip joints and got really really drunk.
As a bridesmaid I had to write a speech to give. Instead, I made a two silly movies that I played on the projecter. They went down really well and had everyone laughing.
Thinking back on the night, I realised that I felt a bit more like myself again. Over the past year, I've had this strange feeling like I've lost my own personality... and I think some of it had to do with my relationship, and hanging around with people who don't really interact with me. Or... we can't really be fucked communicating with each other. Or we don't have anything in common. I'm not sure really what it is... but last night I realised that it was something that has been fucking my confidence and individuality up. Which in itself is strange and disappointing. I don't want to be weak...
I was beginning to get scared that I wouldn't get it back. But last night I was being silly, cracking jokes, talking with people who actually responded and asked questions and just generally had a normal but great time. I think I will avoid the other situations from now on. Meh... I don't know if I'm getting the idea of what I'm trying to say across.
Anyhoo, in other news I cut my hair recently. It looks pretty fucking gay. I'll just have to wait for it to grow out.
